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Dan Gillmor ibiblio Speaker Series:
Dan Gillmor: We the (Traditional) Media
Learned it in Back Days and Kept It: A Portrait of Lucreaty Folkstreams:
Learned it in Back Days and Kept It: A Portrait of Lucreaty


Some people complain that science is dry. That is, of course, a matter of taste. For my own part, I like my science and my champagne as dry as I can get them.

The Internet Apiculture and Beekeeping Archive

The Internet Apiculture and Beekeeping Archive

BEES! Learn a few things about the science of beekeeping with these archives of articles, FAQs, images and links from various newsgroups and websites.

The Celestia Motherlode

The Celestia Motherlode

"The Celestia Motherlode is a repository for various addons like textures, models or celestial objects for Celestia. Celestia is a free, interactive (real-time), 3D astronomy program. It doesn't just show you the sky as it can be seen from earth as most planetarium software does, but allows you to move to and view the universe from any point between the planets and the stars. The Celestia Motherlode hosts over 10 GB of Celestia addons by various creators, which extend or change the way Celestia renders the universe."

The University of North Carolina Herbarium

	The University of North Carolina Herbarium

View and learn about UNC's collection of flora and keep up with their future plans.

Conway's Game of Life

Conway's Game of Life

Check out a collection of "the greatest patterns ever created" for Conway's Game of Life.

Science for Monks

Science for Monks

Science for Monks is a website created for a science education project by the Library of Tibetan Works & Archives of Dharamshala, India. Science for Monks aims to provide hands-on science and math education to advanced scholars within the Tibetan monastic community in India through educational workshops. The website contains information about the project, the people involved, the curriculum and the workshops themselves along with information about the Library.

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Last updated Jan 1, 2007.

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