Southern Exposure Library:
Southern Media

Set of four: $12, or individually as priced below.

Drive-Through South
The 1994 Best of Press Awards. These stories take us cruising with bored teenagers, digging through landfills, exposing hospital scams and abusive foster homes, and investigating the destruction of vital woodlands.
(Issue #98, Winter 1994) $5.

Best of the Press
The 1995 Southern Journalism Award excerpts include an exposé of Florida's mental health system, the child support crisis in North Carolina, the health and ethical dilemmas caused by new reproductive technology, Tennessee's forests, and a special report on the Kmart boycott.
(Issue #103, Spring 1996) $5.

Best of the Press
The first Southern Journalism Awards (from 1986-87) exposed Houston's police misconduct, the PTL scandal, homelessness in Dallas, teen pregnancy, and more in this special double issue.
(Issue #69-70, Fall/Winter 1987) $6.

Fast Forward - The Southern Media
A full listing of every Southern newspaper and TV station under corporate control. Also--overviews of the white media, and profiles of Southerners who take the media into their own hands.
(Issue #90, Winter 1992) $5.

© 1996 by the Institute for Southern Studies
P.O. Box 531
Durham, NC 27702

Phone: (919) 419-8311
Fax: (919) 419-8315

Last Updated 10/28/96