T E M P O R A   H E R O I C A

Creating Your Hero

Once you connect to Tempora Heroica, you’ll be asked if you’d like to use color or not. Make a choice, and then you’ll be prompted to enter in a name. Enter in a name you would like for your hero. (If a password request appears, then another player is using that name, and you’ll have to choose another name.) After you find a good name, enter in a password, and select your gender, alignment, race, and height and weight. This is the starting point for all hero creation.


Warriors are the most straightforward and easiest type of hero to play. They also tend to be the most diverse types of heroes on Tempora Heroica. Anyone with a strong arm and a good weapon can quickly become a famous warrior. To create a warrior, it is best to have high strength, constitution, and dexterity, with the remaining points distributed between perception and charisma. Perception is as important for everyone; if you can’t see your foe, you can’t kill it. Since warriors really only rely on the strength of their arms and the sharpness of their sword, warriors frequently explore other skills, such as the Elf warrior-mage or the Halfling warrior-rogue. While any race can effectively be a warrior, except perhaps for the tiny and weak Pixies and Brownies, the best warrior races are usually the Jotun, Dwarves, Humans, and Elves. However, any race can learn warrior skills, and could therefore consider themselves a warrior.

Example: Ogre
Str: 24, Int: 5, Wis: 5, Dex: 20, Con: 24, Foc: 3, Chr: 18, Per: 16, Gui: 4


Magi can be the strongest and at the same time the weakest hero to play. Those individuals who have mastered the arts of magic can be found throughout the world, although their names might differ. To create a mage hero, it is best to have high intelligence, focus, and wisdom with extra points distributed among constitution, charisma, and perception. A high constitution does not always seem important for a mage, but everybody will need hit points at some point, so it certainly doesn’t hurt. Charisma is also important for setting maximum guild-learnable level, so that you can obtain some of the higher level spells without waiting for insights. Some players feel magi are incredibly hard to play since they can botch their spells leaving them completely vulnerable and helpless. Generally, the best mage races are Faeries, Gnomes, and Humans. However, any race can invoke spells, and can therefore consider themselves a mage.

Example: Gnome
Str: 8, Int: 23, Wis: 20, Dex: 6, Con: 16, Foc: 22, Chr: 15, Per: 10, Gui: 3


Berserkers, or ‘zerks’, are the type of hero most often reserved for the Jotun. However, a Dwarf would also make decent ‘zerker. These heroes are often the easiest to understand, but not always the easiest to play. If you would like to play a ‘zerker, you should select the highest strength, constitution, and dexterity possible for your race. A strength of at least 20 is recommended to make sure you can wield the deadliest weapons; also, assuming you are a Jotun, your armor will weigh considerably more since it will be as large as you. High strength will prevent you from being limited to what you can wield and wear. Constitution determines your hit points, and a warrior relies heavily on being able to withstand many blows. A high dexterity grants you extra attacks, and improves your dodge skill, although larger races generally rely on soak and stopping over dodge ability. The rest of the points should be distributed over perception and charisma.

Example: Giant
Str: 25, Int: 4, Wis: 4, Dex: 20, Con: 25, Foc: 4, Chr: 20, Per: 14, Gui: 3


For those who want to play a warrior but don’t like the restrictions of the ‘zerk, or for those who want to play a mage but don’t like being rendered helpless with a single botch, this dual-skillset could be for you. The only problem with heroes such as these is that without a single specialization, getting started might be a little more tedious, and you will have to spread your stat points a little thinner. Strength and constitution are still important for armor, weapons, and hit points, as are intelligence and focus for spell casting. After that, you can divide your remaining points among charisma, perception, dexterity, and wisdom as you see fit. Humans, Elves, and Dwarves are the most-likely choice for this classic hero combination.

Example: Dwarf
Str: 18, Int: 18, Wis: 7, Dex: 20, Con: 21, Foc: 4, Chr: 17, Per: 10, Gui: 4


While pure rogues cannot do much, pairing the shadowy skills of a rogue with the subtly of magic can be deadly, and quite entertaining. Since thieves by themselves do not deal incredible amounts of damage after the backstab, the use of magic spells as backup works quite well. However, this combination will put quite a strain on stat points, as practically every stat will have its advantages. The primary stats of a rogue are guile and dexterity; however, for this combination, intelligence is still a must. The best suited races for this type of hero are Brownies, Goblins, and Elves.

Example: Goblin
Str: 16, Int: 20, Wis: 6, Dex: 15, Con: 16, Foc: 5, Chr: 16, Per: 10, Gui: 15


For example, while it may be fun to think about the possibilities of a warrior-mage-rogue combination hero, the limitations are equally notable. For all practical purposes, you will be better off selecting stats as if you were a jack-of-all-trades and picking up new skills whenever you can. There just simply aren’t enough stat points to distribute fairly among everything such a hero would need to excel in every skill area.

Example: Human
Str: 16, Int: 16, Wis: 10, Dex: 15, Con: 16, Foc: 10, Chr: 14, Per: 10, Gui: 12

So consider the type of hero you’d like to make and remember those were just examples. The choice of who your hero is to be is ultimately yours. Once you have chosen your hero’s race, you will be ready to adjust your hero’s attributes or ability statistics. For the first time player, it is best to add points to constitution, strength, and dexterity. Any remaining points should be distributed between intelligence and perception. Once you have your attributes chosen, read the Message of the Day for some advice on how to get a quick start. Then from the MUD menu, select option 1 and begin playing.

Welcome to Tempora Heroica!