T E M P O R A   H E R O I C A

Show Your Support For Tempora Heroica

You can help Tempora Heroica grow. Vote for our MUD in The Mud Connector’s rankings and show your support. (Please review the rules for more information concerning the rankings.) Also, please take the time to write a review of the MUD. Potential players will read your favorable words and quickly learn how great and wonderful Tempora Heroica truly is from the greatest people in the world — our players!

Voting Booth

  • Vote for Tempora Heroica the MUD in general.
  • Vote for the Tempora Heroica home page.
  • Vote for Tempora Heroica by connecting to the MUD.

Voting Guide

You may vote for Tempora Heroica in each poll (general, home page, and connection) once per day. The Mud Connector uses these three tallies to rank MUDs in popularity. For the best results (i.e. higher ranking for Tempora Heroica), vote in each of poll once per day. The polls retain only the past thirty days worth of votes cast, so remember to keep voting and tell all your friends about the MUD. Thank you.