Re: Eph.4:31/5:1

Tue, 19 Mar 1996 13:35:48 AST4ADT


> a) My understanding of the rule of Concord is that the only exception to
. . . . . . .
> But in Eph.4:31 the main verb 'ARThHTW (passive singular) seems to
> have 5 subject nominatives.
. . . . . . .

Even in Classical Greek a verb with a compound subject can take its
number from the nearest or most important element in the series. A
series of singulars can therefore have a verb in the singular or
plural depending on the author's predilection. This is common in
the NT and LXX.

> b) In Eph.5:1 the first and primary clause is a predicate-nominative
> construction, and the second clause (`WS TEKNA 'AGAPHTA) is a comparative
> clause. None of my lexical sources or grammars gave me helpful information
> about `WS. Are the words "beloved children" nominatives or accusatives?

In a comparisonlike this the element compared (`WS clause)
will be the same case as the element with which it is compared.
In this particular instance, it is compared with a nominative
(either the implicit subject or the predicate nominative). So,
TEKNA 'AGAPHTA is a phrase in the nominative.

I hope this helps.

Glenn Wooden
Acadia Divinity College
Wolfville N.S.