Re: (Fwd) Re. No, I don't mind you asking!

Edgar M. Krentz (
Fri, 20 Sep 1996 17:45:41 -0500

I found Paul Evans remarks eminently sensible and sensitive.

>When in the NT I use a basic approach to prep. that includes a
>translation of the pericope and an abridged structural analysis.
>Then I move to the more mundane word studies, commentaries etc.
>However, I have come to terms with the fact that pastoral life in
>general is not conducive to completing research projects so I aim at
>producing an outline or having at least a clear impression on where I
>am going by Friday evening. Sunday AM early is a good time for
>polishing up outlines!

An extremely sensible pastoral approach. I tell students they need Greek to
know what the English text of the Bible means! And whatever Greek one has
is useful for that!

>I make it firm practice to "hide" my research as much
>as possible in favour of communicating what I firmly hold to be the
>truth or sound interpretation of a given passage. I conscientiously
>avoid, wherever possible, phrases like, "The original Greek says,"
>or "The Greek word for ***** is...." I simply say something like,
>"This phrase means," or "The author intends for us to understand
>******* by this word."

Hear, hear. Parading one's knowledge of Greek in the pulpit, even if it is
phenomenally good, sounds like an ego trip to many lay people--and also to
this prof when sitting in a pew! One proclaims in a pulpit, does not teach
any language!

Edgar Krentz, New Testament
Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago
1100 East 55th Street
TEL.: 312-256-0752 FAX: 312-256-0782