Re: Galatians 5:4 THS XARITOS ECEPESATE: what kind of genitive?

David L. Moore (
Sat, 12 Oct 1996 18:49:11 -0400

At 09:06 PM 10/12/96 +0100, Maurice A. O'Sullivan wrote:
>At 14:38 12/10/96 -0400, "David L. Moore" <>
> wrote:
>>Lightfoot also treats ECEPESATE as Carl does, but the only example he
>>gives is from a classical author, and I wonder if Koine would understand it
>>that way.
>Louw-Nida has this note on EKPIPTW:
>6 The meanings of parapi/ptw, e)kpi/ptw , a)postre/fomai , and a)fi/stamai
>appear to focus upon the initial aspects of dissociation. As such, they
>constitute a reversal of the process of joining or beginning to associate.
>To the question of whether this process of reversal is initiated actively or
>suffered passively there are alternative answers proposed by L-N in their
>comment on Ga 5:4
>"Note, however, that the underlying structure of the expression th=j
>xa/ritoj e)cepe/sate really involves `turning away from God who has shown
>grace.' For another interpretation of e)kpi/ptw in Ga 5.4, see 90.72. "
>"90.72 e)kpi/ptw : to no longer experience a state or condition - `to be
>outside of, to experience no longer.' th=j xa/ritoj e)cepe/sate `you no
>longer experienced (God's) grace' Ga 5.4."
>The latter seems in line with one of the main meanings of EKPIPTW in L.S.&J.
>"2. to fall from a thing, i.e be deprived of it "

Thanks to Maurice O'S. for his input on this. I hadn't checked L&N
and am glad to have the additional lexical notes on ECEPESATE.

David L. Moore Director
Miami, Florida, USA Department of Education Southeastern Spanish District of the Assemblies of God