Brian E. Wilson (brian@twonh.demon.co.uk)
Sun, 20 Oct 1996 08:51:37 +0100

> Somi wrote:
>*Does eikwn HAVE to mean an exact representation here? There is
>another word for that used in Hebrews 1, charakter (where we get our
>English word, character). I wonder if the use of the word eikwn,
>"image" is trying to tell us something about Christ's supremacy over
>man and every other created being rather than equality with God. (This
>is not to say that Christ is not equal with God. I'm just questioning
>whether the purpose of this passage is to express this. There are other
>passages which do that.)
> Somi.*

It seems to me that if, in Col 1.15, EIKWN TOU QEOU TOU AORATOU is only
about *Christ's supremacy over man and every other created being*, then,
since no-one can make an image of the invisible, EIKWN TOU QEOU TOU
AORATOU is a logical contradiction and therefore false. On the other
hand, if it is at the least about the invisible God choosing to make
himself visible in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, then it is
not logically contradictory and can make very real sense to the
Christian believer.

Brian E. Wilson