Re: The Greek word 'Magoi

John Albu (
Fri, 8 Nov 1996 14:52:06 -0500 (EST)

For the etymology of magos, "Griechisches Etymologisches Worterbuch" by H.
Frisk (Vol. I, Heidelberg, 1973, pp. 156-157) states: "Aus dem Iranischen;
vgl. apers. _Magus_ (aw. _mogu-_) N. eines medischen Volsstammes mit
priesterlichen Obliegenheiten; appellativische Bed. unbekannt, mithin ohne

Pierre Chantraine, in his work "Dictionnaire etymologique de la langue
grecque" (Vol. III, Paris, 1974, p. 656) says about this word: "_Et.:_
Emprunt iranien, cf. v. perse _Magus,_ nom d'une tribu mede. Voir en
dernier lieu R. Schmitt, _Gl._ 49, 1971, 105-107."

Could anybody please fax me (at 1212-305-6000) the title page and pp.
105-107 of "Glotta," Vol. 49, 1971? Thank you.

A. J. Van Windekens ("Dictionnaire Etymologique complementaire de la
langue Grecque," Leuven, 1986) does not say anything about this word.

John Albu