
Juan Stam B (
Wed, 13 Nov 1996 07:12:55 -0600 (CST)

Re: betulah/parthenos

Greetings! I've been enjoying the debates, especially on betulah
\parthenos, about which I have the following question:

Rev 14.4 refers to men (msc) as PARQENOS "virgin, who did not defile
themselvs with women". This has got to be one of the strangest and
hardest texts in the scriptures. (1) Does anyone know any other passage,
in hebrew or Greek, where these terms are applied to males rather to to
women? (2) Can anybody shed any light on the meaning of this phrase?
(Some have suggested it relates to a requisite for sacrificial lambs, that
they be offered before breeding them). I'll greatly appreciate any help
on this!

Shalom, to virgins and non-virgins, Juan