Re: b-greek archive

Jonathan Robie (
Thu, 28 Nov 1996 05:57:35 -0500

At 09:34 AM 11/28/96 MET,
>Sorry if this question has been asked before recently:
>Where can I find the b-greek archive on the internet? I want to check the
>diskussion on the Magdalen papyri.

The archives are being set up at:

However, this is a work in progress, and currently contains only 3 months
(I've been
playing with this in my spare time over the last month). I don't know if
this contains the Magdalen papyri discussion. The archives from 1995 are up at:


In the near future, I intend to add the rest of 1996 and add a full-text
index. However, "near future" probably means some time before Christmas,
since this is a spare time project and I have one wife, two kids, 3 dogs,
and too much work...


Jonathan Robie
POET Software, 3207 Gibson Road, Durham, N.C., 27703
Ph: 919.598.5728 Fax: 919.598.6728
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