missing digests

Andrew Kulikovsky (killer@cobweb.com.au)
Sun, 22 Dec 1996 16:17:55 +0900

Fellow Greeks,

I'm back!

Since I was off the list for a few days, could some kind soul please
forward me digests #511, #512, #513.

Now that I have asked, I know that I will get about 10 copies - but
hey - its better than no copies at all!

May God bless you with many children....


+------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Andrew S. Kulikovsky B.App.Sc(Hons) MACS | | Software Engineer | & Theology Student (MA) | Adelaide, Australia | ph: +618 8281 0919 | fax: +618 8281 6231 | email: killer@cobweb.com.au | | What's the point of gaining everything this world has | to offer, if you lose your own life in the end? | | ...Look to Jesus Christ | | hO IESOUS KURIOS! +------------------------------------------------------------------------