Re: present truth: EN THi PAROUSHi ALHQEIAi

Isidoros (
Tue, 21 Jan 1997 14:49:20 -0200 (GMT)

Of course, the "English rendering" is not but the preliminary aspects
of our study. Surely it is the Greek we want to examine, on a follow-up
perhaps post, and after hearing of any comments that might exist for
whatever said so far about the "English" translation. For, for the others,
as you also inquire

> I'd be interested to know why you see the translations I cited (NRSV,
>Mod German, Mod French) as being so far off course and
>theologically biased.

we may leave it for another day, for it is not, John, that you are asking
much, or unreasonably, but think we agree 'tis not the main purpose or
appropriate locus, in this already longish post, to go into the theological
aspects of all the differences, which may anyway become clear, in contrast,
after the linguistic analysis to bemade, exposing possibly both
the degree of philological ignorance as well as the depth of each
tradition's invested dogmatic faith, necessarily "respected" in each
translation for the sake of "right" opinion, and for the faithful.


The Ionic Centre, Athens