Re. Greek To Me course

Rod Decker (
Thu, 30 Jan 1997 10:29:25 -0500

>I know many of you have used "Greek to me" and highly recommend it.
>I am considering running an introductory Greek class at my church and am
>seriously considering using this course. I know it uses innovative
>techniques to teach vocab but how does it deal with morphology, syntax
>and other linguistic issues?

I looked at this option, and yes it is "innovative"--certainly different.
My conclusion is that the instructor would need to have the right
personality to pull it off. He/she would also have to have the entire
system mastered from this approach or the whole attempt could "bomb." I
don't have the right personality for this "light-hearted" approach, so I
haven't tried it. As you note, however, some (well, I know of at least one:
Dale Wheeler) on the list has used it with considerable satisfaction.

I suspect that some students would respond well to the style, others would
perhaps find it unhelpful.

("Light-hearted" is not intended to be a put down re. the content or
results of using this text, just a reflection of the cartoonish nature of
the course.)


Rodney J. Decker, Asst. Prof./NT Baptist Bible Seminary Clarks Summit, PA