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Binary Oppositions

After reading Professor Conrad's treatise on voice I was 
left with one or two lingering questions.  Professor 
Conrad pointed out that it is a mistake to see 
active/passive as the primary binary opposition in verb 
voice. He suggests that active/middle is a better 
candidate for the primary binary opposition.

Waltke and O'Connor in their treatment of the Hebrew 
verb system  (Hebrew Syntax page???)  suggest that not 
all phenomena in the Hebrew verb system can be modeled 
with binary oppositions. They suggest that there are also 
triadic patterns which must be taken into account.

I am wondering if any of the professional grammarians on 
this list have discovered the same thing with Greek 
grammar. Are there aspects of morphology or syntax 
which refuse to submit to the binary opposition model? If 
so, how did you deal with them?

Some examples would be illuminating. 

Clay Bartholomew
Three Tree Point