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Dear all

I have just had a look at Jonathan Robie's 'Little Greek Home Page' 
which I greatly enjoyed.  I will recommend it to students starting 
out on Greek.

I am curious that I never see anyone on this list refer to the 
introduction to NT Greek that has seen me, and a couple of 
generations of British university students, throught the early 

J. W. Wenham, *The Elements of New Testament Greek* (Cambridge: 
Cambridge University Press, 1965).

Are people on the list familiar with this book?  If so, I would be 
most interested to hear whether people think it a good introduction 
as I am still using at as the students' first text book here.

My own impression is that it is the best available introduction, 
though it is beginning to look a little long in the tooth.  I wrote 
an article on it recently, '"Wenham": An Appreciation of *The 
Elements of New Testament Greek*', *Evangelical Quarterly 69 (1997), 
pp. 3-6.  This was written largely as a tribute to the man -  I was 
greatly privileged to have John Wenham as a friend late in his life 
and was sad to hear of his death at the beginning of 1995.

Does anyone have any thoughts on 'Wenham'?  Should I be progressing 
onto a more modern introduction?

Good wishes to all


Dr Mark Goodacre
Department of Theology
University of Birmingham
Birmingham   B15 2TT

Tel.: 0121 414 7512         Email: M.S.Goodacre@Bham.ac.uk
Fax.: 0121 414 6866