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The Aorist

Hi Jonathan,

That was a nice home page, and I'm very glad to find this group.  Have you succeeded in finding a pastor that studies and teaches from the original language text?

I noticed your discussion on the aorist.  And concidentally enough I was reading in C.D.F. Moule his
quotationof Moulton comparing the aorist tense to 'a line reduced to a point by perspective".  The analogy seems to ride well until one goes to translate. And from a stricktly practical point of view, it seems as if the punctiliar nature of the aorist is no existent.  The aorist has no nature.  It disregards aktionsart, it disregards tense, and where it serves as a main verb without clause of any kind, it seems to disregard cause altogether and simply contemplate the stem meaning :

John 2.20:   This temple was built over a period of 40 years

BTW: can you recommend a practical first computer language for a computer hack that is new
to programming and looking to change fields from machine maintenance?

