Re: Concept of "Time"

Edgar M. Krentz (
Mon, 7 Jul 1997 19:14:05 -0500

Edward has given you the relevant bibliography. I want to add only one comment.
>Finally, Thorleif Boman's renowned _Hebrew Thought Compared to Greek_
>inevitably came under much criticism. There's probably just enough truth
>in it to merit looking into it, with some caution.

Boman's book deserved the criticism. His picture of Greek thought was
essentially drawn from Plato. Back in the 50s I heard a devastating
critique of his portrayal of Greek thought by Benedict Einarson [then at
the University of Chicago]. It is a book that one must use with much
caution on the Greek side--though the Semitic may be better.

*Edgar Krentz, Prof. of New Testament *
* Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago *
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