Re: E-Mail replies and B-Greek (was: "apologies galore")

Paul S. Dixon (
Thu, 10 Jul 1997 21:44:45 EDT

Carl et al:

Thanks much for the Eudoralight URL, Carl, and for your gracious
acceptance of apologies. I'll certainly check out Eudora Light.

Just to let the list know, I have been using the Juno mailer (also free
software). Actually, it really is a pretty good mailer, except for two
things: it tends to chop previous messages up when you reply to them,
and I have found that even though you supposedly have the option of
responding to sender only, or to all recipients, when I hit the latter
and check all recipients (including cc) it is evident I have been sending
to the list, even though it said otherwise. Carl brought this to my
attention and even showed some addresses totally foreign to me. Whence
cometh they? I dunno.

Paul S. Dixon, Pastor
Ladd Hill Bible Church
Wilsonville, Oregon