Re: Danker

Tue, 22 Jul 1997 11:00:31 -0500 (EST)

Carl asks, about Fred Danker:

<<Are you sure that Danker didn't do a Ph.D. in Classics at W.U., Edgar?
The bound volume in our departmental library is right next to yours! Or
did he take an additional degree at Chicago? That wouldn't surprise

Fred has often talked with me about his Ph.D. at Chicago, under my two
teachers, Gertrude Smith and Benedict Einarson; Fred studied there some
years after I had left (he finished his Ph.D. at Chicago 11 years after I
did, though he is several years older than I--it's that endless Concordia
system, I suspect!). I have no explanation of that "bound volume" in
your departmental library; when you get back to St. Louis, you might look
at its opening pages, to see what it reveals.

Einarson very often spoke of his great teacher, Paul Shorey; and he often
quoted Shorey's dictum which Edgar mentioned that Fred Danker had recited.

Edward Hobbs