Re: Di-glot

Robert J. Petry (
Sun, 12 Oct 1997 08:22:13 -0700

Jonathan Robie wrote:

> At 10:46 PM 10/11/97 -0400, wrote:
> >Can anyone tell me where I can get a copy of a Di-glot? I'm not looking for
> >the normal greek-english NT's, but one that I think was published by the
> >Jehovah's Witness. It has been a long time since I saw one and need someone
> >to point me in the right direction.
> Can you tell me exactly what this did? How does it differ from an interlinear?

The Diaglott is a translation of the NT by Benjamin Wilson. It is an interlinear.
The Jehovah Witnesses bought the manuscript or copyright years ago. So far as I
know, they still produce it. I personally think it does a good job over all, but
really got flamed for mentioning it on another list because of Wilson's supposed

Bob Petry