Re: Rev 6:12 - 17

Joseph Kovacs (
Sat, 01 Nov 1997 11:18:05 -0500

Juan Stam B wrote:

> Greetings from Costa Rica!
> I am working on Rev 6.12-17 and trying to track down all the parallels
> (many!) in the Hebrew scriptures and in apocalyptic literature. But I
> have been unable to locate parallels for the two most dramatic phrases in
> 6.15b-16:
> (1) at the judgment the powerful will hide in caves
> (2) they will call on the mountains to fall on them (Hos 10.8)
> There are some references to (1), which was a common experience in Jewish
> history (1Macc), but either not eschatalogical (in some sense, final
> judgment) or not related to specific groups (6.15a). For (2) I have found
> only Hos 10.8 and Lk 12.30, which seems unusual to me.
> Does anyone know of other references either in the OT, Apoc.Lit or in
> early patristics?
> Many thanks, and a very happy November to all!
> Juan Stam, Univ. Nacional, Costa Rica

I found some interesting parallels to point (1) at Isa 2:10; 2:19; and Ezekiel

For point (2), try Luke 23:30 and Isa 2:19.


Joseph Kovacs