RE: Textbooks
Tue, 18 Nov 1997 20:58 -0500

>Tim Gennette wrote
>I'm very new to this list and wondered if anyone might help with
>textbook recommendation.
>Can anybody recommend any other study materials?

It is not a textbook, but for those looking to develop reading comprehesion, Rienecker and Rogers "Linguistic Key to the Greek New Testament" can be helpful. It is organized by verse for easy reference. It is shallow and rather lexical (maybe that is why I like it ;->). It is not designed to help you cross reference words or concepts. All it does is define the more troublesome words you come across while reading the Greek text. It provides more depth than an interlinear, but it won't replace a lexicon. Reinecker cites over 300 different authors so you can get a taste of Beare, Hering, or Schnackenburg before deciding to purchase their commentaries or other works. If Jonathan Robie likes it he may add it to the list of 'cheats' on the little-greek home page.

Hope this helps. I will be following the replies to your reqest with great interest.

Chris Babcock
Missions Student
Language Lover
Over Achiever