RE: I need answers

Ward Powers (
Fri, 08 May 1998 15:37:58 +1000

At 18:50 98/05/07 -0400, Jim West wrote:

>At 05:35 PM 5/7/98 -0400, you wrote:
>>> Thats fine. But just because one author uses a word one way does not mean
>>> that another uses it exactly the same way (and yes, John and 1
>>> John are from different authors).
>>Can't let that pass, can I.
>>This assertion should not be stated as accepted fact, when, in fact, it is
>In fact, it is a well established fact. See the excellent introduction to
>the NT by Raymond Brown. It is hard to accept the notion that folks don't
>realize that the Gospel and the epistles are clearly by different authors.

Fellow b-greekers:

At this point we are all primed up to begin the Battle of the Commentaries
and Introductions. I can now take my turn, and say, It is hard to accept
the notion that folks don't realize that the Gospel and Epistles of John
are clearly by the SAME author. See the excellent Commentary/Introduction
to the NT by [insert here one's favourite Commentary or Introduction which
supports one's own point of view].

And there is no shortage of Commentaries and NT Introductions which can be
found that come down on the side of the same Johannine author for Gospel
and Epistles. My shelves contain not a few.

And Jim is well aware of the existence of these.

I could make reference to some of these, but what is the point? We would
all simply be made more forcefully aware of the fact that there are
divergent conclusions reached by different scholars and writers about these
questions of authorship. And several members of b-greek have already
protested against Jim's dogmatic assertion that as an accepted fact Gospel
and Epistles are from different authors. For the record, my own study of
these questions of authorship has led me to the firm conclusion that these
books indeed were from the same author, and that that author was the
Apostle John. But b-greek is not the forum to debate such issues.

So: at this point we are all primed up to begin the Battle of the
Commentaries and Introductions. But let it not take place on b-greek, but
off-list (if at all). Several of us wish to make the point that there are
many who strongly disagree with Jim's assertion of different authors for
Gospel and Epistles as an established fact. Now that the point has been
made, we can resume normal discussion (i.e., about Greek).



Rev Dr B. Ward Powers Phone (International): 61-2-9799-7501
10 Grosvenor Crescent Phone (Australia): (02) 9799-7501
SUMMER HILL NSW 2130 email: