Re: Lists

Edgar M. Krentz (
Mon, 11 May 1998 21:21:42 -0600

You wrote, in part:

>This approach could apply to individual study as well: identify the verbs
>that recur most frequently, and learn their parts. Identify the nouns that
>recur most frequently, and learn their gender and declension.

Years ago, when one still had time to learn in school, we had to memorize
the principal parts of some 200 Greek verbs [classical, not just the
principal parts that show up in the NT] that had some irregularity in
formation. We were tested on them, five verbs a period.

When we finished the list we did it over. Passing grade the first time
through, 70%; the second time, 80%, after that 90% to get a D!!! We learned
principal parts--and while I, in my teens, did not love the Prof. for it, I
now thank him often.

I like what Mary suggests.

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Edgar Krentz
Professor of New Testament
Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago
1100 East 55th Street
Chicago, IL 650615
Telephone: (773) 256-0752
Office: [preferred for anything professional]
Home: [Tel: 773-947-8105]
GHRASKW AEI MAQWN. I grow older, learning all the time.
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