-THTOS Suffix Produces What Result?

Williams, Wes (Wes.Williams@echostar.com)
Wed, 3 Jun 1998 14:41:39 -0600

I did a Bibleworks search for all words in GNT and LXX with a -THTOS suffix.
The 34 verses returned were all in the GNT (none in the LXX). I enclose a
partial, yet representative list below.

In examining the meanings in their respective contexts, they mostly refer to
qualities. It appears to me that this is a result of being appended to
adjectives, which is the majority of uses. In the cases of appending the
suffix to a noun, such as KURIOS, this still appears to emphasize the
quality of the noun and/ or state (the state of being a lord/ master).

If the above analysis is correct, what is responsible for the -THTOS doing
this? Is it the genitive with its emphasis on quality or something inherent
in the -THS suffix itself?

Wes Williams

(Partial list of -THTOS suffixes)

MEGALEIOTHTOS (Acts 19:27, 2Pet 1:16) magificence

CRHSTOTHTOS (Rom 2:4) "undeserved" kindness

TELEIOTHTOS (Col 3:14) complete, perfect

KURIOTHTOS (Eph 1:21, 2Pet 2:10) lordship, authority

SEMNOTHTOS (1Tim 3:4) seriousness

GUMNOTHTOS (Rev 3:18) nakedness

TIMIOTHTOS (Rev 18:19) costliness

NEOTHTOS (Mark 10:20, Luke 18:21, Acts 26:4, 1Tim 4:12) youth