
Geer apologizes

Gary and Bob,
Sorry 'bout that.  I just assumed when I hit "reply" that my notes were
going out to the list.  Fortunately as David can attest, I haven't said
anything significant.  

But now that I think I've figured this out, I was wondering if anyone out
there on this list might have some insight into the phrase Paul used in 
Gal. 4:15: "If possible, you would have dug out your eyes and given them to me."I have a gut feeling that this is an idiom similar to our "you'd give me your
right arm," but I've never taken the opportunity to trace it down.  Anyone
out there have any insight into this?  

And just a question about this list.  I'm not sure I understand it's nature.
I've enjoyed going back and forth with David about Gal. 3, but I'm
wondering if this list is the place for that kind of discussion.  Is it
supposed to be limited to "Greek language stuff" or can it be more open to 
discussing Paul's arguments in Galatians?  Just curious.

Tom Geer