

From:	NAME: Ted Neil                      
	FUNC: 820                             
	TEL: x3623/x3114/x7474                <NEIL.TED@A1@VAXEN>

          Hi.  I'm new to this conference and have enjoyed reading the last 
          few messages.  I would like to participate by asking some 
          I have recently come across some references to the "critical" 
          edition of the Greek NT published by Erasmus in the 16th Century 
          (date?).  Also about Erasmus and Christian Humanism.  
          Could anyone give me some information about Erasmus, his Greek NT 
          and how he fits in with Christian Humanism?  Was his Greek NT used 
          in the formation of Stephans edition (ca. 1575?)?  I remember also 
          a reference in either the Alands' book or one of Philip Comfort's 
          book about Erasmus not using references from the Vaticanus 
          Manuscript (maybe I have my reference wrong?).  Does any have any 
          information about this?
          Also, could anyone suggest any books for reference on this subject?  
          Any help would be greatly appreciated.
          Thank you,
          Ted Neil
          email: ted_neil@sematech.org
          daytime phone: (512)356-3623