
Re: Erasmus

Further on Erasmus and humanism, I suggest that you look
at Deno John Geanakoplos, _Byzantium and the Renaissance_
(Archon, 1973; first published as _Greek Scholars in Venice_),
ch. 9 (pp. 256-278).

The bibliography on Erasmus is, of course, huge, but this is a
start.  The publication of Erasmus' works in English translation
is on-going (Toronto), and is slated for completion in 2010.  I
doubt whether they'll make this deadline.

Best wishes,


Mark F. Williams                                Internet:  WILM@calvin.edu
Classical Languages                          Voice:  (616) 957-6293
Calvin College                                   FAX:     (616) 957-8551
Grand Rapids, Michigan
USA       49546