
Moulton's Concordance

NT-Greek Members,

This is forarded on behalf of one of our lecturers in Computer Science
who is conducting some research on concordances.

He is interested in contacting the editor of Moulton's Concordance.
The publishers information is the current editor of the concordance is 
Prof. I. H. Marshall, of King's College, U of Aberdeen, Scotland.

Does anyone know if he has access to Internet e-mail? If so, can you
either reply directly to me or to


with his e-mail address.

Thank you in advance.

Bill Rea                                                             (o o)
| Bill Rea, Computer Services Centre| E-Mail       b.rea@csc.canterbury.ac.nz |
| University of Canterbury          | or         cctr114@csc.canterbury.ac.nz |
| Christchurch, New Zealand         | Phone +64 3 364-2331 Fax +64 3 364-2332 |