

I am a sunday school teacher at my church.  Often I am called upon to teach the 
adults.  The lessons that I have taught are merely historical of the bible and 
then reference it todays living.  Just recently, I did a lesson on Tithing and 
used the history of Judaism to explain the reason for tithing.  

I am interested in teaching my classes the historical background of a subject 
before I introduce them to the other aspects of the Bible.  Can anyone assist me 
in this area.

I would like to talk about the New Testament (the new covenant) and how each 
ethnic group was affected by the it.  How was it given to the Greek?  Who 
carried the Word to the Greek?  Who was the first Greek converted?
This is just a few of the questions I know I will be asked.  What book would you 
recommend that I would get to do my research?




Wanda C. Harris								Voice:	202-219-1536
Program Assistant, EIRD						Internet:	WHarris@INET.ED.GOV
U.S. Department of Education/OERI
555 New Jersey Avenue, N.W. -Rm 211
Washington, D.C.  20208-5725

 HAVE A GOOD DAY........................ (SMILE)
