

This post might be a little unusual, but it does touch on nt-greek studies.  I 
am interested in buying Gramcord for the Macintosh, but the price ($350) is a 
little high for my doctoral student budget.  I spoke with Paul Miller of the 
Gramcord Institute, and he said that if three orders are placed together, that 
there is a 24% discount.  The orders can be from different parts of the 
country, and they can also be for any combination of Mac and/or DOS versions; 
the orders just have to be mailed or called in together and identified as a 
group to qualify for the group discount.

For those who may be unfamiliar with the product, Gramcord will do grammatical, 
syntactical, positional, and lexical construction searches in the Greek New 

If anyone is interested in forming a group to purchase Gramcord, please let me 
know.  Thanks.

Steve Waechter
swaechter@utmem1 (bitnet)
swaechter@utmem1.utmem.edu (internet) 

Dept. of New Testament 
Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary
Memphis TN 38104

Day phone--901-448-5214