
Re: Criteria (fwd)

Dr. GALEN CURRAH                      currah@iclnet93.iclnet.org
Western Seminary               Division of Intercultural Studies
5511 S.E. Hawthorne, Portland OR 97215 USA     Tel. 503-233-8561
Fax 503-234-1639 or 503-239-4216             Amateur radio N7SBB

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 31 Mar 1994 18:55:14 -0800 (PST)
From: Galen Currah - Western Seminary <currah@iclnet93.iclnet.org>
To: James Sennett <sennett@goliath.pbac.edu>
Subject: Re: Criteria

James Sennett rightly cautions us about the logical sequence of 
making textual decisions before theological ones.  My only concern
is to recall that textual decisions often have recourse to both
external and internal "evidence."  This means both transcriptional
probabliities and the theological probabilities of the original
authors.  This requires being able to distinguish our own theological
preferences from the beliefs of the authors, a delimma for those of
us who think our theology is that of the authors or ought to be.
However, there seems to be less of a delimma for those who assume
that the theology of the authors was ours or ought to have been.

Dr. GALEN CURRAH                      currah@iclnet93.iclnet.org
Western Seminary               Division of Intercultural Studies
5511 S.E. Hawthorne, Portland OR 97215 USA     Tel. 503-233-8561
Fax 503-234-1639 or 503-239-4216             Amateur radio N7SBB