
cwalker on apolutrwsis tes en Xristw

regarding your question, the tes puts en Xristw Iesou in the attributive
position, making that prepositional clause an adjective modifying 
apolutrwsis.  In other words, it is the "in-Christ-Jesus-redemption."

Any time a phrase is i attributive position, it becomes adjectival.

**  Dan G. McCartney                 DMCCARTNEY@HSLC.ORG  **
**  Westminster Theol Seminary   |     WTS: 215 887 5511  **
**  Box 27009, Chestnut Hill     |     Fax: 215 887 5404  **
**  Philadelphia, PA  19090      |    Home: 215 659 7854  **
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