
Greek grammars

 Regarding David Mealands question on Greek grammars:

 I don't think anyone has yet referred to Turner's volume on Syntax in the
Moulton-Howard-Turner set.  Since BDF so often presupposes knowledge of
classical Greek, for those of us who were not well trained in classical, Turner
may be more helpful.  Of course, the volume by Howard on Accidence is to my
knowledge unsurpassed for describing the forms of words, and how they (maybe)
got that way. 

**  Dan G. McCartney                  |    I net: DMCCARTNEY@HSLC.ORG  **
**  Assoc. Prof. of NT                |      WTS: 215 887 5511         **
**  Westminster Theol Seminary        |   Office: 215 572 3818         **
**  Box 27009, Chestnut Hill          |      Fax: 215 887 5404         **
**  Philadelphia, PA  19090           |     Home: 215 659 7854         **
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