
Memcards and printing

David Mullens writes:

>I just upgraded to a laser printer (HP 4L) and now I can't get my
>Memcards program to print the study sheets to the printer. All I get is
>garbage. I can't seem to find anyplace to chage the printer driver
>either.  Does anyone have any suggestions?  Thanks.

I cannot personally answer your question, but the author of MEMCARDS is on the
Net.   George Kong, GSK@SGI.COM.  Maybe he can help.

**  Dan G. McCartney                  |    I net: DMCCARTNEY@HSLC.ORG  **
**  Assoc. Prof. of NT                |      WTS: 215 887 5511         **
**  Westminster Theol Seminary        |   Office: 215 572 3818         **
**  Box 27009, Chestnut Hill          |      Fax: 215 887 5404         **
**  Philadelphia, PA  19090           |     Home: 215 659 7854         **
**                                                                     **