

A new subscriber under the address HEADTECH asked about the verb authenteo.  I
suspect the interest is because of its use in 1 Tim 2:12.  It has been much
debated.  Louw & Nida give the meaning "usurp authority" but since they do not
include any documentation for their meanings this doesn't help much.

A bibliography on the matter is found in L.E. Wilshire, "1 Timothy 2:12
Revisited" in EQ 65 (1993) 43-55, and there will be an extensive analysis of
the verb in Scott Baldwin's forthcoming *Women and the Church*.

I must say that a search of the TLG database yields not one example where
authenteo clearly means "usurp authority" so the usual meanings of "have
authority over" or "commit murder" are the options presently supportable by
evidence.  It apparently expects a genitive object of the person or thing over
which the authority is held, or an infinitive object indicating the nature of
the authority.

Happy hunting.

**  Dan G. McCartney                  |      I'net: DMCCARTNEY@HSLC.ORG  **
**  Assoc. Prof. of NT                |        WTS: 215 887 5511         **
**  Westminster Theol Seminary        |     Office: 215 572 3818         **
**  Box 27009, Chestnut Hill          |        Fax: 215 887 5404         **
**  Philadelphia, PA  19090           |       Home: 215 659 7854         **
**                                                                       **