
Translation, etc.

In message <Pine.3.05.9407131118.A26286-a100000@nethost> David Coomler writes:

> Regarding the recent comment that one must "think in Greek," a friend
> commented, "Not just in Greek, but in Greek of the time, place, and
> theological environment in which this was written."  Further, to imply
> that a concept clear in Greek cannot be made equally clear in English
> seems highly questionable (not to mention theologically disastrous), but
> perhaps I misunderstood the statement.

Where does knowing Greek and thinking in Greek in the time, place
and theological environment leave the unlearned in Greek?

What about the hermeneutic that the Holy Spirit penned the Old &
New Testaments through human instrumentality and that the same
Holy Spirit, who doesn't change, can, does and must be the one to
teach the learned and unlearned in Greek the significance of each 
and every Biblical passage?

Does the learned in Greek have an advantage over the unlearned?  
Doesn't the power of the Holy Spirit level the playing field?  Or, as 
I believe, isn't the Holy Spirit all that is required?

Ken Hall
Voice:  894-5559
Pager:  655-0362
e-mail: ken.hall@business.gatech.edu
Georgia Institute of Technology
