
Re: parthenos

The Hebrew "betulla" always carries the connotation of chastity even
though that is not its main focus.  In referring to a young, unmarried
girl, the clear assumption was of her virginity.  So much so that it could
be used euphemistically for virginity.  So far as I am aware, nowhere in
the Hebrew Bible is the word used in any sense where virginity was either
unimportant or could not be assumed to apply to the person so designated. 
The term runs a close parallel to the English "miss."  True, sexual status
is not the issue when using this word, but until about thirty years ago,
someone who was a miss, was given the benefit of the doubt concerning her
chastity.  Notice that the recent change to "Ms." was implicitly for
reasons of sexual secrecy, although ostensibly for reasons of hiding
marital status. 
