
Greek grammars

> What about grammars?

The standard reference grammars are Blass, DeBrunner, Funk, "A Greek Grammar
of the NT and Other Early Christian Literature" and Moulton, Howard, Turner,
"Grammar of NT Greek" (4 vols.). Both are pretty "heavy" for even intermediate

Much more accessible to many is Stan Porter's recent "Idioms of the Greek NT"
(Sheffield, 1992)--which is a full-lfledged grammar, not just a treatment of
idioms. For a bit over 300 pgs. this one is very well done.

Coming next fall (95) from Dan Wallace is "Exegetical Syntax" (Zondervan) that
will be somewhere between an intermediate grammar and the big reference tools
(though it will be advertised as an intermediate). I'm working with 400+ pgs.
in draft form as a pilot run this fall in 2d year Greek and though I've just
received it this past week, my initial impressions are favorable..

There are some others, but these are the bet in my judgment. Dana and Mantey
was a standard in many circles for a long time, but is long outdated and I
wouldn't regard it as the most reliable at present.

Rodney J. Decker
Assistant Professor of Greek and Theology
Calvary Theological Seminary, Kansas City
(94-95 sabbatical explains the Univ. of Wisc. address!)