
Richard Ward

In: Jeffrey A. Crafton's "The Agency of the Apostle, A Dramatistic Analysis 
of Paul's Responses to Conflict in 2. Corinthians", Sheffield 1991, reference 
is made to an unpublished Ph.D. dissertation by Richard F. Ward: "Paul and 
the Politics of Performance at Corinth: A Study of 2 Corinthians 10-13" 
(Northwestern University 1987).

Does anyone know the address and/or Email address of Dr Ward?

|	Erik van Halsema     	(Johan.D.F. van Halsema)    |
|	Free University   	    			    |
|	De Boelelaan 1105	1081 HV  Amsterdam	    |
|	Netherlands					    |
|	Faculty of Theology				    |
|	Email:						    | 
|	J.D.F.van_Halsema@Esau.th.vu.nl                     |
|							    |