

For several years now a small group of scholars has been working on 
producing a new Hellenistic Greek reference grammar under the 
direction of Robert Funk and Daryl Schmidt. The grammar will reflect 
much of the progress in the field of linguistics over the past thirty years.

If you have a working knowledge of modern linguistics and are currently  
conducting research on any aspect of Hellenistic Greek (biblical Greek), I 
would like to hear from you. We need to know about your research as we 
prepare the new  grammar.

There is a great deal of work still to be done. If you are looking for a 
dissertation topic I may be able to help.

The new grammar will have a much broader scope than any of the existing 
reference grammars for biblical Greek since it will cover more than just 
the Christian literature. It will also cover a number of topics (such as 
discourse) not treated in the current grammars.

If you are interested in following the progress of this project.
