
TLG phone/FAX prefix change

We are beginning to receive indirect inquiries about the TLG--apparently,
some people are having difficulty reaching us by phone and/or fax. This is
to reiterate a notice which we published in the September 94 issue of the
Thesaurus Linguae Graecae Newsletter:

Effective November 4, 1994, the TLG's telephone number has been changed
from 856-7031 to 824-7031.

Effective that same date, the TLG's fax number has been changed from
856-8434 to 824-8434.

I apologize for the multiple posting.

Ted Brunner
 Theodore F. Brunner, Director              Phone:    (714) 824-7031 
 Thesaurus Linguae Graecae                  FAX:      (714) 824-8434  
 University of California Irvine                                           
 Irvine, CA 92717-5550 USA                  E-Mail:   TBRUNNER@UCI.EDU