
b-greek-digest V1 #124

b-greek-digest           Thursday, 22 February 1996     Volume 01 : Number 124

In this issue:

        Re: Physical Models in the NT (Something from Nothing)
        b-hebrew & b-greek archives  
        Exploring The WorldWide Web (Lesson 4) 
        Exploring The WorldWide Web (Lesson 2) 
        Exploring The WorldWide Web (Lesson 3) 


From: David Moore <dvdmoore@dcfreenet.seflin.lib.fl.us>
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 1996 17:38:08 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: Physical Models in the NT (Something from Nothing)

Will Wagers <wagers@computek.net> wrote:

>David L. Moore (I am forever confusing you with David Meadows) writes:
>>        First, it seems precarious to ascribe Platonistic thought to Paul
>>whereas his writings show very little influence of the sort.  One might
>>make a better case for the writer of Hebrews along this line, but, even
>>in his case, one would be hard put to show that Platonism provides more
>>than cultural window dressing for the message of the Gospel. That is to
>>say, the Gospel message, with its Hebrew roots, is presented in a way
>>that is culturally acceptable to the writer's Helenized audience.
>1. It is not necessary to characterize Paul as a Platonist. The Standard
>Model is ubiquitous in the ancient world. It was common knowledge.
>We are not looking for direct influence, as in Paul reading Plato. We
>are looking for the influence of the paradigm which Plato and Paul
>shared. The mere fact that Paul used the Septuagint as a resource might
>account for some of the carryover. Paul was obviously aware of the
>general philosophical currents of the time, because he had to do battle
>with them to win over churches. Did Paul have access to Jn 1? And, there
>is considerable philosophical baggage built into the use of the Greek
>language: this might create some correspondence to the model in a
>passive manner.

	I recognize that the model Will is talking about was ubiquitous in
Greco-Roman culture of late antiquity.  But I don't think that we can,
Skinner-like, think that such a cultural paradigm will come to rule in
every member of the society in which it is found.  There is an interesting
article by Werner Foerster in the TDNT which deals with this matter we
have been discussing, and, although he does not agree with my
interpretation that Gen. 1:1 implies CREATIO EX NIHILO, he mentions some
things about Rabbinic Judaism of Paul's time which are extremely
interesting relative to the theme we are discussing (TDNT, III: 1017). 

	He says, in part, "[The interpretation of the creation narrative]
is the point at issue in the debate between a philosopher and R. Gamaliel. 
The philosopher grants that the Jewish God is a great artist ([Heb.]
tsayar) but claims that He had good materials to help Him ....  Gamaliel
proves from Gn. 1:1 that their creation (BRY'H) is narrated in Scripture"

	Another interesting piece of data he shares is that the Mishnah
shows that the idea of the pre-existence of anything other than God
Himself was foreign to the Rabbis' thinking.  One of their points of
speculation concerning this was on pre-existent things that were, in part,
really created and in part arose from the thoughts of God.  As examples,
he mentions the Torah and the throne of God (_Ibid._).  This latter seemed
especially interesting in the light of what Paul says about the role of
the Son in the creation of all things "whether thrones or dominions or
rulers [ARXAI] or powers - all things have been created through him and
for him" (Col. 1:16).  For all the aculturation Paul had relative to the
Greek world, it would seem to me that his convictions about the created
order would have more in common with these aspects of Rabbinic Judaism
than with Pagan philosophy. 

David L. Moore                             Southeastern Spanish District
Miami, Florida                               of the  Assemblies of God
dvdmoore@dcfreenet.seflin.lib.fl.us           Department of Education


From: GSHOGREN@shrsys.hslc.org
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 1996 19:13:00 -0500 (EST)



From: "Paul A. Miller" <pmiller@gramcord.org>
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 1996 16:44:27 -0800
Subject: b-hebrew & b-greek archives  

Because of changes in GRAMCORD Institute staffing, we had to suspend work on
our GRAMCORD Institute WWW site for a period of time. (The recent string of
natural disasters here in the Portland area hasn't helped much either!) 

Thus, as some of you have observed, we have not expanded the b-greek &
b-hebrew forum archives for some time now. Fortunately, we have a new WWW
technician joining us next week and hope to have the archives fully
functioning as time permits. In addition to various technical issues we must
address, our Internet provider requires that we observe various
firewall/security procedures that complicate the creation of search
utilities, etc. so we are finding the process somewhat tedious. (Moreover, I
want to write a filter to remove all of the bogus magazine solicitations and
subscribe/unsubscribe messages!) Also, the fact that The GRAMCORD Institute
is within the United States exposes us to various kinds of "litigation risk"
in maintaining a forum archive that a party outside the U.S. probably
doesn't have to worry about. (Until there is some kind of tort reform in
this country, it seems that almost everything we do places us at potential
risk.) Accordingly, we have had to "slow down" and take prudent preventative
measures even in something as "simple" as offering a public forum archive.

At any rate, we apologize for the delays. We had truly hoped to have the
site fully-functional by Christmas but as with most non-profit organizations
we often find ourselves with more projects than people. Now that we are
supporting all three platforms (DOS, Windows, & Macintosh), we have been
extremely busy. Something had to "give" in the process, and as a result our
www.gramcord.org site has had to remain "under construction." Hopefully, our
new website technician will get things back on track soon. 

I will post an announcement when the archives are updated and functioning.
Again, our apologies for the delay.
Prof. Paul A. Miller   (Email: pmiller@GRAMCORD.org)
The GRAMCORD Institute
2218 NE Brookview Dr., Vancouver, WA 98686, U.S.A.
Voice (360)576-3000; FAX (503)761-0626; Homepage: http://www.GRAMCORD.org
Computer-Assisted Biblical Language Research (IBM & MAC)


From: Jed Wyrick <wyrick@husc.harvard.edu>
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 1996 20:18:25 -0500 (EST)
Subject: [none]

subscribe B-Greek Jed Wyrick


From: "Dr. Kenneth Johnson" <kjohnson@tfs.net>
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 1996 22:15:38 -0600
Subject: Exploring The WorldWide Web (Lesson 4) 

>X-POP3-Rcpt: kjohnson@unix
>Return-Path: Spectrum@Horizons.Org
>From: Spectrum@Horizons.Org
>Date: Tue, 20 Feb 1996 22:01:47 -0800
>To: (Virtual Class 813 - Exploring The WWW) <Campus@Horizons.Org>
>Organization: Spectrum Universal, Los Angeles USA
>Campus-Mail: SUN-Mail Distribution
>X-Loop: Spectrum@Horizons.Org
>Subject: Exploring The WorldWide Web (Lesson 4)
>Exploring The WorldWide Web
>Course# 813
>Instructor: Alexis Massie
>If you have access to the World Wide Web, you can visit your
>"virtual classroom" at:    http://horizons.org/campus.cgi
>LESSON FOUR:  Search Engines
>There are many different kinds of search engines on the Web,
>and the best one to use is determined by what information you
>need.  Today I will do a case study of two search engines which
>well represent the different forms of searching.
>Yahoo- <http://www.yahoo.com/> This database of Web sites was
>built in an index format.  Those of you who have Web access
>ought to go and take a look at the first page of Yahoo and then
>come back (using the "back" button) to finish this lesson.
>This will allow you to skip the next section in which I
>describe the page.
>For those of you without Web access, I'll try to explain what
>it looks like. On the top of Yahoo's page is, of course, their
>logo and a series of small buttons that allow you to check out
>new submissions, get information about Yahoo as a company, look
>at their "hot site" choices, read the news, and there is this
>really clever little button in the shape of a die that sends
>you to a random page on the Internet, which I think is cute.
>Under that banner is usually an advertisement.  Advertising is
>how Yahoo and many other sites stay in business, so their
>service are free.  Today, it is an advertisement for the c|net
>web site (http://www.cnet.com/), which, I might add, is one of
>my favorite sites for news and features relating to the Web and
>the Internet in general.  I'm mentioning this because they
>often have very informative features for people at all levels
>of familiarity with the Web and registration/subscription is
>free.  It's a very nice site.  You may want to check them out.
>Beneath the advertisement is a box in which you can type in
>your search criteria with a button next to it that says "Search"
>which is used (obviously) when you've finished typing what you
>are searching for in the box and want the search engine to go to
>work.  This manner of searching applies only to those people
>whose browsers support "forms".
>For those without a "forms-capable" browser, howver, Yahoo has
>listed the primary subject categories under the search box, all
>of which are hotlinked.  Such categories include Arts, Business
>and Economy, Computers & the Internet, Education, Entertainment,
>News, Reference, Science and many others.  Each of these primary
>subject categories are then narrowed down to smaller secondary
>categories.  For example, under the primary subject category of
>Art is the secondary categories Humanities, Photography,
>Architecture... and many more.
>When a new Web site registers with Yahoo, they are asked to
>supply a category in which to place it.  For example, if I had
>made a page about how to code HTML, I would have to go to Yahoo
>and find the appropriate subject category to list it in.  This
>category is usually not just the primary subject category like
>"Computers and the Internet," but a path.  In this case, it
>would be Computers and the Internet; World Wide Web; Tutorials.
>This allows you, as a user of the index, two ways of finding
>information from the Yahoo database.  You may either do a
>search, using the search box, or you may go directly to the
>category that interests you.
>Unfortunately, if what you are looking for is obscure, it is
>possible that it may not be listed in a category that is easily
>recognizable.  If you are looking for a site on photography,
>then it is fast and easy because that category is listed under
>Arts, and a list of sites will be suplied for that query.  But,
>if you were looking for something more obscure, such as
>information about Joseph Campbell, a noted mythology scholar,
>then what category would he be listed under?  To answer the
>question, he isn't.
>At the bottom of Yahoo's search result pages, you'll find links
>to other search engines.  Clicking on these not only bring you
>to the site of that search engine, but also automatically
>submit the search phrase you were looking for.  When you click
>on those links, what you get is not the front page of the
>search engine, but their search results page.  It's a very nice
>feature, and one of the reasons I tend to lean towards starting
>each search with Yahoo.  Not because they're so fabulous, but
>because they really designed their site to the convenience of
>their users.
>Lycos- (www.lycos.com) This site is a perfect example of what
>is called web crawlers or spiders, a program that goes to a
>submitted URL and catalogues not just the name of the site or
>the category it ought to be listed in, but the actual contents
>of the site.
>Yahoo front page. Their advertisement is below the search box,
>and their listing of categories is the "Lycos 250." I love the
>concept of the Lycos 250... so much I'm going to just quote
>their definition of what it is:
>"You've seen hot lists before, but you've never seen hot lists
>like this. Because we're not just telling you what we think is
>hot - we're telling you what the whole Internet community
>thinks is hot.
>How do we know? Because our Lycos spiders (patent pending) have
>examined more than 91% of the sites on the net, and for each
>site visited, kept track of how many other sites link to that
>site. On the Internet, when your site is useful or interesting,
>other sites link to it, and the more links there are to it, the
>more people go to it, which reinforces its usefulness and
>interest, which generates more links, etc."
>Clever, eh? They actually figured out what the most commonly
>linked-to, and therefore most popular, sites are and listed
>Lycos is very useful when trying to find more obscure
>references.  The payback is, however, that you have to plow
>through more unrelated garbage before you find what you're
>looking for.  As an example, when I ran a search for
>"Campbell," the Joseph Campbell Foundation home page was listed
>as the sixth listing, with various email directories and
>geneological sites listed before it.  When I ran a search for
>"Joseph Campbell," however, it came up as the second listing.
>The moral of this story is that when you are using a web
>crawler, the more specific you are, the better your results
>will be.
>The other problem with using a tool like this is that it is all
>automated.  If the URL is submitted twice, the Web Crawler wont
>understand that the site has already been searched and will
>list it twice.  I've seen cases of the same site listed five
>times, which is inconvenient to scroll through.  Another
>problem is when sites move to another server.  Often people
>will forget to inform the search engines of the change and the
>listing will just sit there.  You'll be all excited that you
>found what you were looking for and will be sadly disappointed
>when the link turns out to be dead.
>The advantage to this kind of site, however, is thoroughness.
>Lycos claims to have indexed 91% of the Web; that's over 10
>million sites. Pretty impressive.
>You can find information in the strangest places on the Net...
>it's sad to say, but for all the power of the various search
>engines out there, the best way I know to find information is to
>look at people's "Related links" pages.  If you are looking for
>information, and you only find a listing in a search engine for
>something close, then don't lose hope.
>There is a tradition on the Web that for every page you do, you
>ought to supply a link to a related site, when applicable. When
>you do a home page, it is traditional to list links to your
>friends' pages, too. When you do an essay on Byzantine artifacts,
>you list links to other archaeological sites (no pun intended).
>This tradition allows a user to read what a developer has to say
>and then continue on to other people's viewpoints.  It's a
>win-win situation in which a developer can say whatever they
>believe to be true, so long as they allow for resources to
>opposing or supporting viewpoints.
>*Note:  As I come from this background, I need to mention that
>some students have felt I tended to be biased, in the case of
>AOL, or for a lack  of discussion, such as the Lynx browser or
>OS2's browser.  I urge all of you, in the future, to post such
>concerns in the discussion forum, so that your viwpoints might
>be shared by all  students.  I don't particularly believe in
>preaching to you, nor  do I require you all to agree with me.
>I do, however, believe in  discussion and debate.  That's the
>purpose and benefit of the Internet and something I firmly
>believe in.  I'm on a soapbox as the instructor of this class,
>just as you will be on a soapbox when you create your first Web
>page (HTML starts next week!).  I want to impress on all of you
>that the best way to bring value to the Web is to take advantage
>of that soapbox and speak your mind.  But it is equally valuable
>to search for other resources as well to link to on your site, so
>that all visitors can read your views and then also move on to
>read others.
>Another nasty limit of search engines is the lag between the time
>a site goes up and the time the search engine has it listed.
>Often, it can take weeks, and sometimes the topic you are looking
>for can be moot two weeks after it happened.
>Say you wanted to find a movie listing in your area (and, by the
>way, the Web is PERFECT for this sort of thing).  There are often
>sites dedicated to movies but they're generally simple marketing.
>They'll get you excited to see the movie, but they rarely tell
>you whether it's playing at the theatre down the street.  That's
>where news sites come in.
>I mentioned c|net earlier.  C|Net is a perfect example of a news
>organization going on-line in a very effective manner. However,
>it is a specific interest news source.  It is also a national
>organization.  Won't help you to find the movies.
>Local newspapers are, however, realizing the value of their
>information on-line and are quickly putting sites up.  Assuming
>they can continue to generate money from advertising, you will
>find that you visit these sites over and over again, even if
>you don't like them.  Why?  Because they're so USEFUL!  In my
>area, for example, at least three newspapers that I know of are
>on-line.  Since I know these newspapers, I also have a general
>idea of the information they are likely to put on-line.  The
>Boston Globe has comprehensive movie listings which supplies
>summaries of what the movie is about and, where applicable,
>reviews.  They also include directions to the movie theatre,
>when the movie is playing, and how much it'll cost.  You can
>look at the information listed by movie theatre or by movie
>title.  It is, in short, a remarkably useful thing when you
>don't know what you want to do on a Friday night and you don't
>want to go out and buy a newspaper.
>You can find your local newspapers through the search engines.
>Their existence is static; their content is not.  As a result,
>your best bet is to use an index, like Yahoo.
>Local resources, such as newspapers, are wonderfully useful and
>often overlooked.  The important thing to remember is that
>while the World Wide Web is global in nature, local resources
>are the things that will have the most dramatic effect on your
>life, so use them.
>As time goes on, you will find your ability to find sites
>relating to topics that interest you becomes almost
>Sometimes you aren't looking for anything specific.  You're just
>looking for a fun site, or a cool site, or a site that will
>entertain you. Where do you start?
>Believe it or not, the Web is the only medium where I have found
>enjoyment in advertising.  Sometimes, I'll readily admit, the
>advertisement is just a marketing ploy about a specific product
>that I have no interest in.  But often, even commercial sites
>include features that are fun. For example, the Stolichnaya Vodka
>site includes a request for drink recipies, and some of the
>submitted drinks and their names can be incredibly amusing. It
>even allows users to scroll through the drink recipies and vote
>on the one they like best (the winner so far is "Pertsovka Black
>Liberty of the Mysterious Kiss Splash").  On top of that, they
>are an ardent supporter of the arts, and have an extensive
>listing of charities which they support.
>The moral is:  Cool spots want to be found.
>"Site of the X"- So many sites have a "cool site of the day" or
>a "cool site of the week" or a "cool site of the month" that it
>has become a running joke.  That doesn't belittle the value of
>these listings at all.  But it is funny how many of them are
>out there.  So many, in fact, that Yahoo made it a sub-category
>called "Best of the Web" in which there are 169 sites dedicated
>to finding the Best of the Web, 80 "Sites of the Day," 49
>"Sites of the Week," and 14 sites dedicated to listing those
>pages that qualify as "Not Really the Best."  I have no doubt,
>whatsoever, that there are thousands more not listed in Yahoo.
>To start, however, go to Yahoo's listings.
>My Favorites- I'm doing this on request.  For those of you who
>want to know what sites I like best and why, here's a list with
>the address next to them.  These are the sites I go to at least
>every week, if not every day.
>Yahoo, of course- (http://www.yahoo.com) indexed search engine
>Lycos, of course- (http://www.lycos.com) webcrawler search engine
>C|Net- (http://www.cnet.com) Internet-related news source
>The Boston Phoenix- (http://www.bostonphoenix.com) Boston-based
>alternative newspaper
>24 Hours in Cyberspace- (http://www.cyber24.com) this is a
>special project that the creators of "A Day in the Life of
>America" did for the Internet.  It is a wonderful site.
>VRML- you've heard of virtual reality?  This site features
>information on bringing a 3-dimensional interface to the
>Internet, and to the Web.  It's a developer's dream and it's
>coming really soon.
>Infi-net's Cool Site of the Day- (http://cool.infi.net/) my
>favorite Cool Site of the Day site.
>It is a very incomplete list, but it will have to do for now.
>*Note:  See how predictable the domain names are?  This is why I
>wanted you to understand that concept.  I was able to find the
>Stolichnaya site just by guessing. (it was http://www.stoli.com/)
>If you don't have Web access, don't bother doing this week's
>Using the tools I outlined in this week's lesson, discover what
>your horoscope is for whatever day you read this.  Include in
>your submission the address (URL) of the site you retrieved it
>from, your sign, the date, the horoscope, and whether or not it
>came true.
>Choose your site wisely, as the closer it comes to being true,
>the higher grade you get.  *wink*   Find and visit as many of
>these sites as you can tolerate-  choose the one that fits your
>day best. You will not lack choices.
>You will get major extra points if I can't find my way to the
>site on my own and have to use the address that you supply to me.
>Let's have fun with this one!
>How to Submit Homework
>If you have access to the Web, go to your virtual classroom,
>click HOMEWORK and ADD to the message thread for this lesson by
>typing (or pasting) your assignment into your browser window.
>If you do *not* have access to the Web, complete this Learning
>Project and journal the results in your class notebook.
>Next Week
>Ready to take the plunge?  Beginning next week and through the
>following  weeks, we're going to talk HTML. I will teach you all
>the  features of HTML, from the basics down to the snazzier
>elements.   As much as I can squeeze in.  So get ready.
>This'll be where the questions and confusion start flooding my
>mailbox. (*smile*)


From: "Dr. Kenneth Johnson" <kjohnson@tfs.net>
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 1996 22:15:53 -0600
Subject: Exploring The WorldWide Web (Lesson 2) 

>X-POP3-Rcpt: kjohnson@unix
>Return-Path: Spectrum@Horizons.Org
>From: Spectrum@Horizons.Org
>Date: Mon, 12 Feb 1996 11:11:13 -0800
>To: (Virtual Class 813 - Exploring The WWW) <Campus@Horizons.Org>
>Organization: Spectrum Universal, Los Angeles USA
>Campus-Mail: SUN-Mail Distribution
>X-Loop: Spectrum@Horizons.Org
>Subject: Exploring The WorldWide Web (Lesson 2)
>Exploring The WorldWide Web
>Course# 813
>Instructor: Alexis Massie
>If you have access to the World Wide Web, you can visit your
>"virtual classroom" at:    http://horizons.org/campus.cgi
>Hello again.  Welcome back.
>I take it, then, that you have all decided to get online and
>join the teeming masses of people enjoying the benefits of
>"being connected."
>In order to do that, you first have to make your computer hook
>up with all those other computers out there.  There are two
>ways of doing that.  One is to join with an Internet Access
>Provider (also called Internet Service Provider) and another is
>to join with an Online Service.  These are two very, very
>seperate things.  I'll be going over the characteristics of and
>pros/cons of each.
>Internet Access Providers (IAPs) do just that.  They provide
>access.  That's all they do.  Usually, they'll also give you
>some simple applications like Netscape and Archie and other
>tools that you'd use to utilize your connection, but that's it.
>I, myself, use a local IAP.
>What happens is they send you a disk with an installer on it.
>Double click on the installer and it puts a folder on your hard
>drive with all sorts of goodies in it.  Mine has a
>point-and-click Connect/Disconnect application, Netscape for
>the Web, an Email application, a Newsgroup/Usenet application,
>FTP for downloading files (and uploading them as well), and
>Telnet.  All that stuff was just installed on my computer by
>the installer. Once you're connected, using the
>Connect/Disconnect application, then all these other goodies
>work and you can surf to your heart's content.
>The reason I went with an IAP instead of an online service was
>because they offered unlimitted access for a very reasonable
>monthly bill, rather than the buy-by-the-hour billing policies
>you see elsewhere.  Plus, I got to use a local call to make the
>connection, because I live in a city.  For me, it made sense.
>    * local businesses stimulate the local economy
>    * far more freedom to integrate new Internet protocols/
>      applications/ tools
>    * requires much more client responsibility
>    * no immediate sense of community
>    * phone charges if they don't have a local phone number in
>      your area
>This list would indicate that they aren't so swell, after all!
>But realize this- I was on the Web for a good year before
>anyone on America On-Line was.  As new technologies come out,
>the flexibility of an IAP is priceless.  It's just a question
>of how cutting-edge you feel you need to be.
>Online services such as America Online (AOL), Prodigy, Delphi,
>GEnie and others all allow you Internet access.  But that isn't
>what they were designed to do.  They were designed to be
>virtual communities, with closed doors.  For example, I have no
>idea what people say or do on AOL because I'm not a member. I
>do not have access to their services, their forums, their
>special events.  That information is not on the Internet, and
>are not accessable by anyone other than their members.
>They're called Intranets because of this inward-facing design.
>While they do offer access outside of their virtual
>communities, they are also generally very slow about it.  As I
>mentioned earlier, the Web was introduced in spring of 1993.
>Delphi is beta-tested their first Web browser in late 1995.
>See what I mean?
>    * easy "idiot-proof" interface design
>    * immediate sense of community
>    * usually a toll-free number
>    * you aren't on the Internet- you're part of a club.
>      There's a difference.
>    * slow integration of new technologies
>    * I've heard many stories of terrible customer service
>    * some have numerical email addressing (eg.
>      t46wu5z@prodigy.com)
>    * people who are on the Internet look down on people who
>      aren't
>When I say that people on the Internet look down on people who
>aren't, I mean it.  On-line AOL jokes can be equivalent to
>blonde jokes in real life. I can even prove it by informing you
>that there are 9 Web sites registered with Yahoo (a search
>engine we'll discuss next week) designated as "Anti-AOL" sites.
>When you join an on-line service, you take on their name as
>part of your e-mail address.  This means you are immediately
>recognizable as a member of that organization.  And, as a
>result, the reputation that service has in the Internet
>community is reflected on you.
>I don't mean to say that people will attack you.  I do mean to
>say that people may be less patient with you.
>Nettiquette is hard enough to remember in e-mail
>correspondance.  In Usenet, it's even more complicated.  People
>who are members of online services think that they understand
>these rules, because they do spend a large amount of time
>within their virtual community, after all.   It is this
>assumption that some Internet citizens find offensive.  So far
>as many Net citizens are concerned, members of on-line services
>can be just as much "newbies" as someone who has never dialed a
>modem.  So if your reply address is "example@aol.com" and you
>offend someone, they may be harder on you than they would be
>As far as my experience goes (and everyone's will be
>different), the Net was originally populated by a large group
>of highly intelligent young men.  When the rest of the
>population suddenly flooded their "domain," they're reaction
>was incredibly positive.  The nicest and most helpful people I
>know are the men who built the Internet. As a result, most
>people who came in before the Web took them as role models and
>continued the tradition of support and encouragement.  It is,
>in fact, the reason I am teaching this course. It is a form of
>community service, and one I am proud to be contributing to.
>But an interesting dynamic is taking shape in the on-line world
>and that is the fact that the "newbies" are outnumbering the
>veterans.  So there is some concern that that sense of
>community and solidarity and support will fade into a wink of
>Time Warner's eye (whose site, I might add, is just beautiful
>and they get a lot of credit for it).  On top of that, a few of
>the members of the on-line services don't understand that there
>is, indeed, a difference between the virtual community they
>belong to and the virtual community that is the Internet.  As a
>result, they don't take advice when given, and they can be rude
>or offensive.
>Remember how I told you about the fellow who tried to do mass
>mailings via email and how Net citizens bonded together to keep
>it from happening again?  That wouldn't be possible without a
>form of consensus and communication.  The same is true with
>this situation.  One bad apple from AOL and the word is out on
>the Net and judgements are made.
>This should not sway your decision regarding whether or not to
>join an on-line service.  You should only be aware of it,
>especially if you do decide to join one.  I was delighted when
>a member of AOL asked me for help, or when I found a really
>good homepage made by someone on AOL.  Be the exception.  Be a
>member of both communities.  By all means.  You can change, by
>example, that reputation and make everyone happier.
>*Note: the exception to this situation is an on-line service
>named The Well.  The reason this service has escaped a bad
>reputation is because it was one of the first, founded in San
>Francisco by some of the people who made the Net what it is
>today.  As a result, members of this service are generally
>regarded with the highest respect, thanks to its heritage.  HOW
>Well, if it's an on-line service you wish to use, here's a list
>of resources:
>      AOL: (800) 827-6364 or (if you have Web access)
>      http://www.aol.com/
>     CompuServ:  (800) 433-0389,
>     http://www.compuserv.com/join.html
>     Delphi: couldn't find a number (sorry!)
>     http://www.delphi.com
>     GEnie: 1-800-638-8369, http://www.genie.com/join.html
>     Prodigy: mail webmaster@prodigy.com, or visit
>     http://www.prodigy.com      The Well: 415-332-9200,
>     http://www.well.com
>If it's an IAP you want, then it may get a little harder to
>find.  I have yet to see one listed in the Yellow Pages.
>Sometimes you get flyers in your mail box from them. In fact,
>the best way to find your local IAP is through the Web, using
>search engines I'll discuss in full next week.
>For now, follow these instructions:
>Go to Yahoo.  This link will take you to the Regional section
>of Yahoo's Internet directory.  From there, get as close as you
>can to your specific region.  If there's an IAP listing, you
>should find it once you click on your state.  It'll show up on
>the top (just under the advertisement) and be a link called
>"Internet Access Providers."  That's the best I can do for you
>without knowing your specific location.
>Warning: it is entirely possible that there may be no IAPs
>listed for your area, particularly if you live in a foreign
>country.  Hopefully, that means they are advertising in other
>ways (on television, through direct mailings, etc).  Otherwise,
>it is entirely possible that there may be no IAPs in your area
>at all.  If that is the case, you can either a) move to a place
>where there is one or b) join an on-line service with a
>toll-free dial-up number.
>Some things to look for:
>     * they should either have a local dial-up or a toll-free
>       dial-up.
>     * if they offer you unlimitted time for a set fee, consider
>       it. Usually it isn't much more than the basic packages of
>       other services and it's a set fee, so you know exactly
>       what you're paying and what you're paying for.
>     * they should offer you space on their server for your home
>       page.
>     * they should have a large staff dedicated to customer
>       support, relative to the size of the organization (eg. a
>       local IAP wouldn't require as big a staff as America
>       On-Line)
>     * if it is a on-line service, make sure they have a Web
>       browser and a graphical interface.
>Now that you're all connected, we'll be discussing how to fully
>utilize the search engines on the Web, how they are different
>from each other, a brief description on how they work and what
>ones to use for different scenarios.


From: "Dr. Kenneth Johnson" <kjohnson@tfs.net>
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 1996 22:15:26 -0600
Subject: Exploring The WorldWide Web (Lesson 3) 

>X-POP3-Rcpt: kjohnson@unix
>Return-Path: Spectrum@Horizons.Org
>From: Spectrum@Horizons.Org
>Date: Wed, 21 Feb 1996 08:17:38 -0800
>To: (Virtual Class 813 - Exploring The WWW) <Campus@Horizons.Org>
>Organization: Spectrum Universal, Los Angeles USA
>Campus-Mail: SUN-Mail Distribution
>X-Loop: Spectrum@Horizons.Org
>Subject: Exploring The WorldWide Web (Lesson 3)
>Exploring The WorldWide Web
>Course# 813
>Instructor: Alexis Massie
>If you have access to the World Wide Web, you can visit your
>"virtual classroom" at:    http://horizons.org/campus.cgi
>So the first thing you could be thinking is "God, who CARES?"
>If you already know what browser you plan to use for the rest
>of your life and you don't plan to develop any Web pages on
>your own, then by all means, blow off this lesson!  However, if
>you're shopping for a browser to use on the WWW or if you do
>plan to continue on in the course in the hopes of developing
>your home page or some other page on the Web, then you need to
>understand the differences between the various browsers out
>Mosaic was the first Web browser with a GUI, otherwise known as
>a Graphical User Interface. This consisted of a series of
>point- and-click buttons that would allow you to manipulate and
>navigate through the Web material which was displayed in the
>large window underneath it.  This interface was elegant, useful
>and intuitive. Most other browsers that have been released
>since the unveiling of Mosaic have followed this interface.
>The latest release of Mosaic, version 2.0, is pretty good and
>supports a number of enhancements to the original HTML
>language. It's still a far cry from some of the more popular
>graphical browsers... but it is free.
>"QMosaic" is commercial software, but if you are a student at
>Spectrum Virtual University this Winter, you can get a  free,
>licensed copy,  courtesy of Quarterdeck Corporation.
>Quarterdeck took the original Mosaic and charged it up with a
>multi-tasking engine that can retrieve and display multiple
>documents. "QMosaic" includes a free Winsock plus Quarterdeck's
>"Connect and Play" instant Internet Account Registration so you
>can get up and running on the Net with over 100 national
>service providers as soon as you install the software.
>If you don't have WWW access but you can FTP, Spectrum will be
>opening a public FTP library in about two weeks.  Watch for an
>announcement in the campus newsletter.
>Netscape added some extra features to the HTML language which
>their browser supported.  These enhancements quickly became
>popular with Web page developers.  An example is the image
>align tag.  The original Mosaic allowed for images to be
>presented on a page, but it required its own space and no text
>could appear to the left or right of the image.  The Netscape
>browser supported that feature, but went a step further by
>adding support for text to appear to the sides of the image as
>well.  If you viewed a page formatted this way on Mosaic, the
>Mosaic browser would load the image and then place the text
>underneath the image.
>You may be thinking "What's the big deal? Who cares about where
>the text is?" and you wouldn't be wrong, necessarily.  But if
>it was a long image, then you would have to wait for the image
>to load (and we all know the joy of waiting for images to load)
>and then you'd have to scroll down before you got to the text.
>If the text was to the right of a long image, however, you'd
>have something to read while you were waiting.
>These situations are fundamental principles of Web development
>and design. We all love gorgeous images and they can often make
>an otherwise dry site more interesting to look at.  But you
>have to balance the good with the bad.  Netscape's browser and
>its enhancements were instrumental in solving these problems,
>allowing developers to make their pages as visually exciting as
>they wanted, without sacrificing user accessibility or
>Microsoft's recent plunge into the browser arena has changed
>everything.  Unwilling to take a back seat in the explosive
>growth of the Net, Microsoft bundled their browser, Microsoft
>Explore, into Windows 95, supported most (but not all) of
>Netscape enhancements and then went even further by offering
>developers different Explorer- only enhancements.
>This is where it gets confusing.
>As an aspiring Web designer, you have basic HTML that works on
>all browsers, but is extremely limited in layout options and
>doesn't even allow a background. We're talking really basic
>HTML here. You have HTML 2.0 with Netscape enhancements, where
>some enhancements work on almost all browsers, and others do
>not. And then you have HTML 3.0 which offers many more
>enhancements with even more variations in terms of browser
>support.  Finally, you have "frames" which is a "Netscape-only"
>enhancement and now you have "marquee," which is a
>Explorer-only enhancement.  What do you use?
>Besides spending their time keeping up with HTML enhancements,
>Web developers now also have to learn what browsers support
>which enhancements.  Most Web developers simply keep a variety
>of browsers on their computers, just so they can see what their
>pages look like on each. This is, as you can probably imagine,
>rather inconvenient and can get quite tedious.
>There is a "war of the browsers" going on right now and no one
>has the foggiest idea who will win!  Ever had an arugment with
>someone over whether a PC is better or worse than a Macintosh?
>The same kind of evangelical antagonism is present in the
>browser wars, and everyone seems to have an opinion.
>According to reliable reports, AOL spent a considerable amount
>of money acquiring its browser technology from a third party.
>Many Web developers get indigestion trying to make their pages
>look decent for AOL's browser because it doesn't support many
>of the popular HTML 3.0 standards that are now commonly in use.
>Sometimes, perfectly normal HTML pages don't display at all!
>To make this even more complicated, several million copies of
>AOL's browser are now in circulation.
>Which brings us back to that age-old developer question -- do
>you design a site that is cutting-edge, graphically pleasing,
>and easily navigable?  Or do you design for the lowest common
>denominator and create sites that are certainly useful, but
>boring, ugly and difficult to navigate through?
>With the advent of online services such as AOL distributing
>free browsers to everyone (and in every magazine on the
>newsstand), you suddenly see a significant upswing in the
>number of people using the "lowest common denominator"
>browsers.  So now you have a plethora of different browsers
>being used by vast numbers of people. It has created, in short,
>a headache for those of us trying to make sites that are
>interesting and useful, because something that looks perfectly
>normal on most browsers will look wretched to the many people
>who are using browsers that simply do not recognize or deviate
>from standard HTML 2.0 and the newly emerging 3.0 enhancements.
>Lynx!  I'm so amazed that it still exists, let alone that it
>remains so popular!  Lynx is a text-only browser with no GUI.
>It requires little memory or hard drive space on your computer.
>You navigate by using your keyboard to indicate links you wish
>to follow.
>Lynx is old.  Older than the trees, in computer-years.  It was
>around long before Mosaic, but it was text-based, so it was
>easier to develop.  Amazingly enough, it remains very popular.
>Some people don't want to deal with waiting for images to load,
>or don't want to designate 4-6 Mg of memory in order to surf
>the Web.  So they use Lynx.  And it's great!  It works.  The
>only thing I find is that I start losing it if I use a
>text-only interface for too long.  Not only is it boring,
>visually, but it can also get difficult to navigate in.
>Next Week...
>We'll talk about searching the Net... finding resources and
>information you need.


End of b-greek-digest V1 #124


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