
b-greek-digest V1 #147

b-greek-digest             Sunday, 17 March 1996       Volume 01 : Number 147

In this issue:

        Mailing-lists in Danish language
        Re Selling Greek 
        aor. participle 
        re: selling greek 
        Aor participle 


From: "Stefan K. Soendergaard" <sks@pobox.com>
Date: Sat, 16 Mar 1996 18:13:53 +0100
Subject: Mailing-lists in Danish language

For your information:
(especially for those who know Danish, Swedish or Norwegian)

Two mailing-lists in the Danish language has been made:

'TEOLOGI' for academic, theological discussion etc.

'KIRKE' for practical theological and church discussions etc. 

Further in Danish below.

Stefan Klit Soendergaard

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Jeg tillader mig hermed at gre alle modtagere af dette brev
opmrksomme p:
- -------------------------------------------------------------------

  Mailing-listerne  K I R K E   &    T E O L O G I


    FORML: At fremme den kirkelige debat og kommunikation.

    DELTAGERE: Frst og fremmest prster og personer tilknyttet 
    kirkelige institutioner og organisationer samt lrere og 
    studerende ved universiteter og teologiske skoler, men ogs
    andre kan deltage.

    SPROG: Dansk (,norsk og svensk).


    FORML: At fremme den akademiske debat om og kommunikation af
    teologiske emner.

    DELTAGERE: Frst og fremmest lrere og studerende ved univer-
    siteter og teologiske skoler, prster og personer tilknyttet 
    kirkelige institutioner og organisationer, men ogs andre kan

    SPROG: Dansk (,norsk og svensk).


    Send et brev til majordomo@pobox.com med kommandoen 
    info teologi' og/eller 'info kirke':

       TO:   majordomo@pobox.com
       SUBJ: [hvad som helst]
       info kirke
       info teologi

    TEOLOGI og KIRKE er oprettet og administreret af stud. theol. 
    Stefan Klit Sndergaard (sks@pobox.com).

    Se mere p world wide web: <http://www.pobox.com/~kot>

- -------------------------------------------------------------------

Tak for opmrksomheden,

Stefan Klit Sndergaard


From: DWILKINS@ucrac1.ucr.edu
Date: Sat, 16 Mar 1996 12:51:52 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re Selling Greek 

I agree with Barbara O'Cleirigh, and would even argue further that NT students
should learn Greek from the top down, i.e. learn Classical (Attic) Greek.
(Barbara perhaps implied that as well.) I started with koine Greek (Machen, who
ironically said it was best to learn Classical) and later went on to Classi-
cal. I can say now that my Classical grammars are often more correct and use-
ful about the NT than my NT grammars, because koine is essentially a simpli-
fied version of Attic. A quick illustration: Luke 1:29 is almost always mis-
translated ("might be" for "was") because most koine grammars bypass a dis-
cussion of the optative.
Don Wilkins, UCR


From: DWILKINS@ucrac1.ucr.edu
Date: Sat, 16 Mar 1996 17:21:46 -0800 (PST)
Subject: aor. participle 

Hi everybody. I'm having trouble finding an efficient way to send my article
on the aorist participle, because its around 40 pages (hopefully less after
I do some proofreading, etc.). Does anyone know a site I could FTP it to
which would be convenient for everyone on this list who wants the article,
or have another idea (I hope that's not a stupid question--I'm still learning
the intracacies of e-mail etc.). If not, I'll whittle it down and send it in
chunks to everyone requesting it. Thank you all for your interest.

Don Wilkins, UCR


From: "D. Peterson" <harpbard@deltainet.com>
Date: Sat, 16 Mar 1996 16:32:58 -0800
Subject: re: selling greek 

One of the rabbis said:

"Reading scripture in translation is like kissing your bride through a veil."

I have filed the serial numbers off that and made it slightly less sexist,
but I think it expresses the concept quite pithily.

+++ Douglas C. Peterson, MD                harpbard@deltainet.com +++
"Some people will never learn anything, for this reason, because they
     understand everything too soon." -  Alexander Pope


From: HDiehl312@aol.com
Date: Sat, 16 Mar 1996 20:42:51 -0500
Subject: greek 

unsubscribe b-greek hdiehl312@aol.com


From: Tod M Kennedy <tkennedy@soar.com>
Date: Sat, 16 Mar 1996 20:08:12 -0800
Subject: Aor participle 


Is it possbile to send it as an attachment? Don't know if list services can
handle that.

Tod M Kennedy


End of b-greek-digest V1 #147


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