John 1:1 & the Tetragrammatonm

From: John Moe (
Date: Tue Aug 15 1995 - 16:43:22 EDT

On Aug 14, Roland Milanese wrote in objection to the following claim by
John Albu regarding the translation "the word was a god."
<The Sacred Scriptures confirm the correctness of this rendering.>

>objection: No scriptural evidence is offered to support this claim. In fact,
the evidence is to the contrary: To say that the Word was "a god"
violates the
immediate context, which presents the Word as the creator of all things. Nor
does it do justice to the gospel as a whole, which claims the same honor for
the Son as is given to the Father (5:23; 20:28). Nor does it honor the
of scripture which teaches that there is one true god and that all other
so-called "gods" are idols (Is 43:10,11; 1Cor 8:4-6; 1Jn 5:20,21).

I (John Moe) would like to add the objection that John Albu's
claim overlooks the Scriptural ascription of the "Name which is above
every name." to Jesus. The LXX tradition of rendering the tetragrammaton
KURIOS is carried into the NT. Who would deny that ANGALOS KURIOU is an
echo of the Heb. MALACK YEHWEH heard through LXX ears. Who better than
JWs should recognize that the "Name that is above every name" is not
Jesus but the tetragarmmaton. There is room for argument about the many
uses of KURIOS in the NT but every tongue that confesses KRIOUS IHSOUS
CRISTOS must, I believe, find "The Word was God" at John 1:1 a rendering
the corectness of which is "confirmed by the Sacred Scriptures."

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