Re: BG: Synoptic Apocalypse

Date: Sun Aug 27 1995 - 09:33:31 EDT

Carlton Winbery saod:
> Interestingly, just as the disciples' questions are clearly
>blocked out in Matthew, so he also presents Jesus's answer in blocks
>alternating between the destruction of the temple and the second coming.

There is no alternating. The destruction of the temple and the second coming
would occur at the same time. Jesus is not anywhere talking about two events
separated by many years. The whole NT is emphasising that the second coming
would occur within the lifespan of those people he were talking to. The
disciples asked Jesus when the "end of the age" would be. Jesus explained,
and it all came to pass in 70AD.


- Jan

    Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen.
                        -- Albert Einstein

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