Re: eight case or five?

Date: Wed Aug 30 1995 - 20:54:08 EDT

Roy Milhouse wrote,
>It also seems that the eight case system is not a popular >today (though I
don't think Dr. Winbery has revised his >_Syntax of NTG_, and its probably on
everyone's shelf!).

James Brooks and I started working on the Syntax book while we were both at
N.O. Baptist Seminary. We organized the categories for the cases by the
eight case system though we both preferred to teach from the five case system
because most our students were coming from Baptist schools that were
committed to A.T. Robertson and using Summers Grammar or Hershey Davis. We
crossreferenced every category to the five case system because that was our

Concerning the eight case system, you are right that it is a matter of
function; but there may as well be nine cases, for what does association (the
instrumental case) have do with instrumentality? Of course, all syntax is a
matter of reading the context, but so is a lot of lexicography. I find that
my student now do as well with being introduced by the five case (really four
since we for a long time ignore the vocative which is different only in
Masculine sing. nouns) system as ever they did at N.O.

Carlton Winbery
Fogleman Prof. NT & Greek
LA College, Pineville, LA
(318) 487-7241 Fax (318) 487-7425 off. or (318) 442-4996 home or

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