Re: eight case or five?

From: Rod Decker (
Date: Wed Aug 30 1995 - 23:02:30 EDT

The classic statement re. the 5/8 discussion (in my mind) is that of Nida:

"Some of the adherents to the [8-case] system are rather fanatical about
the value of it, but it is only a matter of words. After all, what is the
difference between calling a form a 'genitive of separation' or an
'ablative'? É The principal difficulty with such a system of introducing an
'ablative,' a 'locative,' and an 'instrumental' when there is actualy no
distinction whatever of form, is confusion added to something already
sufficiently complicated....
If it is a matter of logic, then why stop with eight cases? There are a
sufficient number of functional differences for at least twenty-five
divisions. In other words, the eight case system fits neither the formal
not the functional pattern of Greek. It one retains the formal pattern, one
is at least consistent on one score." (Eugene A. Nida, _Linguistic
Interludes_ [Glendale, CA: Summer Institute of Linguistics, 1947], 78-79.)

More recently Porter has said:

"Several grammarians still assert that the Greek of the NT maintains an
eight-case system. Their argument rests on two criteria. First is the
supposition that Greek originally had ablative, locative and instrumental
case forms. Second is their supposed ability to differentiate legitimate
functions of these cases. Regardless of the proto-history of the Greek
language, by the time of the earliest extant remains of Greek these cases
as formally distinct are at best only barely traceable. By the time of
Hellenistic Greek the formal categories are restricted to four or five
distinct inflected cases. Semantic or functional criteria provide a dubious
argument for eight cases, since by this standard one might well cite a far
larger number of cases than eight.É Formal synchronic criteria (i.e.
treatment of the Greek language as used during the Hellenistic period,
especially as it is found in the Greek of the NT) dictate that analysis
begin with at most five cases." (Stanley E. Porter, _Idioms of the Greek
New Testament_ [Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1992], 81.)

Also worth reading is Moises Silva's _God, Language, and Scripture_ (Grand
Rapids: Zondervan, 199?3?), 102-111 (esp. 105). I don't have it at hand to
cite at the moment.


Rodney J. Decker Calvary Theological Seminary
Asst. Prof./NT 15800 Calvary Rd.
                                        Kansas City, Missouri 64147

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