Ghost Riters in Disguise?

From: Mike Adams (
Date: Tue Sep 19 1995 - 21:06:31 EDT

Sounds like a catchy name for a song, doesn't it?

Actually this is my very uneducated hypothesis regarding style
analysis: Is is possible that some N.T. authors, i.e.
uneducated fishermen, or even a highly educated man concerned that
every word written would be taken literally, would submit their
writing to respected friends for comments and/or
editing before sending them out to the general public.

It is very common today. Why wouldn't it have been then?

Depending on how many different people assisted or how much
leeway they were offered in revising, the style of a single
writer could appear to vary considerably even at the time
of original publication, even before multitudes of helpful scribes
were able to include their adjustments.

(Perhaps I should keep silent and not post my distracting questions
in this forum. I could ask my husband privately, only he hasn't
studied Greek.)

Pardon my frivolity, but while reading the many postings regarding
particular styles I keep thinking I see Ghosts. Do any REAL Greek
Scholars also believe in Ghosts?

Ellen Adams
Housewife, Mom,
Amateur linguist.

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